2.1. Installation / upgrade#

2.1.1. MATLAB+SDT#

With MATLAB you need

  • SDT : www.sdtools.com/sdtcur

  • sdtcheck 'patchupgrade ../download/daily/sdtdaily_dis.p' is used to update your installation based on the daily post of SDT. Use this if you are running a project with SDTools only.

  • sdtcheck 'patchupgrade' update from the latest beta release located at https://www.sdtools.com/distrib/beta/sdtcur.zip

2.1.2. Python/MATLAB integration for use with SDT#

  • Install a Python compatible with MATLAB https://www.mathworks.com/support/requirements/python-compatibility.html, doc 'configure your system to use python'
    Latest windows binary compatible strongly depends on MATLAB revision.Assign which python executable MATLAB should use with command


Other Python installs of interest

  • sdtpy.install('scipy') , shows the system commands needed for this installation. You must execute those manually.

  • sdtpy.install('scipy') lists command to install SciPy. Verify import scipy; scipy.signal.butter(1,.1,"lowpass")

  • sdtpy.install('gmsh') lists command to install GMSH. Verify using import gmsh; gmsh.initialize(); gmsh.fltk.run(); gmsh.finalize()

2.1.3. Build Jupyter book documentation#

If using Python / Jupyter book to generate this documentation

  • First setup Python for MATLAB following instructions in

  • Install Jupyter book for Python by executing the commands listed by the call below in a Windows batch

  • Update the matlab lexer used by Pygments to color code to add SDT flavor.
    Use command sdtm.jup('sdtlexer')

  • Create symbolic links to organize your directories

    • mklink /d sdt.cur\_jup target where target is typically tempdir_jup

    • mklink /d target\base sdt.cur\support\jup to link files of the SDT support as base.

    • mklink /d target\proj sdt.git\proj\jup to add any project to the building tree.

    • within the sdt.git\proj\jup directory use mklink /d _images ..\tex\plots to link the expected jup/_images to actual location mklink /d _icons ..\tex\icons if appropriate

2.1.4. VSCode as Markdown editor#

  • VSCode (Visual Studio Code) is a modern open source code editor

  • It integrates with sdtweb if you set it as the editor for markdown sdtdef('SDTools.MdEdt-setpref',{'VScode','c:\Users\$USER$\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe'})

  • You can possibly define this as text editor instead of the SDTools standard NotePad++ sdtdef('SDTools.TxtEdt-setpref',{'notepad++','D:\APP\win64\npp\notepad++.exe'})

  • Ctrl+k  v opens the preview editor side by side

  • The explorer allows nice navigation with multiple files if you define a workspace. For example sdt.code-workspace contains

{"folders": [
		{"path": "support/jup"},{"path": "test2/jup"}
  • Suggested extensions

    • LTEX for spelling / grammar compatible with both LaTeX and Markdown.

      • Note that add to dictionary is in Quick fix:Add to dictionary

      • In settings search for ltex

      • Change item=dictionary to value=userExternal file

      • Change ltex:Dictionary (opens the settings.json) where you should have

    "ltex.enabled": true,
    "ltex.dictionary": {
          "en-US": [":path_to_be_edited/sdt.cur/tex/en-US.usr"]

2.1.5. GitHub desktop as git interface#

  • GitHub desktop is an intuitive interface for Git access. It is the choice used by SDTools to explain git to users that are not familiar with this versioning system.