

Interface between EXCITE and SDT (part of FEMLink).



read[*.cff, *.gid]#

ex2sdt('Read','fname.cff') % Read .cff file and display in feplot

This command can be used to read some Excite specific output files :

  • .cff file can be used to export model geometry. Model is read and displayed in feplot.
  • .gid file can be used to export time curve at a current DOF. A full directory can be read : ex2sdt('Read','Directory.gid'). Curves are displayed in iiplot.


ex2sdt('ConvertAsMat') This command aims to convert all Excite results of a given directory as SDT mat files (typically RO mdl and def variables) that can be explored and post treated through the ex2sdt UIScan command.


First a root project must be opened, defining at least :

  • ProjectWd : the main project directory that contains the results of the time simulation.
  • root : the root of the filenames where model and results are stored.

The result folder must contains

  • the model file, and if needed the associated reduction basis file. The model file should be (in preference order):
    • a root.OUT2 Nastran output2 file from the DMAP condensation step.
    • a root.NAS Nastran bulk file.
    • a root.cff excite file (to be implemented).
  • if needed, the file that contains the restitution matrix in the case of meshed part reduced using the AVL DMAP. This file is read and lead to a model.TR reduction basis, that can be used to expand the displacement form the reduced model to the full displacement field (and so animate the time deformation in feplot).
    • a matlab file, root_X2OA.mat, that is obtained by the ex2sdt TextOp4 command, that converts the original export text OUT4 file to a Matlab binary file that is more convenient to use (it can be read as an HDF handle to save memory).
    • directly the original root_X2OA.OUT4 export, which is a text file. This case is only suitable for files that are lower than 300 MB.
  • as many subfolders as simulation results. For the moment each simulation typically corresponds to a specific rotation speed (so each subfolder name should end by the rotation velocity in RPM, for example study.2000 for the 2000 RPM speed case) : this will be generalized to obtain simulation information and build a simulation parameter data structure RO, in order to perform dirscan in the generic SDT process (see sdtweb fe_range).The result files should be, by order of preferences:
    • a root_SOL109.INP4 Nastran input4 text file that contains displacements, velocities and acceleration at each (reduced) DOF. This is the more compact and usable output. Corresponding time and angle are then read in the util_batch_list.out log file.
    • a number of root-NodeID-DOFID-REL.GID files, each one containing the displacement, velocity and acceleration in a given of the 6 directions at a node of the model. Some developments are needed to use this strategy (INP4 should be preferred), that is beside very time-consuming.
    The input parameters can be get from 2 different files:
    • summary.xml : that can be read with RO=feval(ex2sdt('@parseXML'),'summary.xml'). Development must be done.
    • simulation_report.out : a text log file that can be read with RO=feval(ex2sdt('@readReportOut'),'simulation_report.out').


ex2sdt('UIScan') This command can be used to scan a given directory (defined in the Project tab) and then perform some post-treatment (compute Campbell diagrams and animate displacements or velocities as color map,...) and explore data through UI.


This command is experimental.
It aims to convert an ascii X20A.OUT4 file, to a binary HDF .mat file. This operation is buffered so that the 2 GB memory limitation of old 32 bits Matlab can be bypassed.

See also