

UI command function for the visualization of 3-D deformation plots


fecom CommandString


fecom provides a number of commands that can be used to manipulate 3-D deformation plots are handled by the feplot/fecom interface. A tutorial is given section 4.4. Other examples can be found in gartfe, gartte and other demos. Details on the interface architecture are given under feplot.

This help lists all commands supported by the interface (calling fecom or feplot is insensitive to the user).

  • cf1=feplot returns a pointer to the current feplot figure (see section 4.4.3). The handle is used to provide simplified calling formats for data initialization and text information on the current configuration. You can create more than one feplot figure with cf=feplot(FigHandle). If many feplot figures are open, one can define the target giving an feplot figure handle cf as a first argument.
  • without input arguments, fecom calls commode which provides a command mode for entering different possibly chained fecom commands.
  • the first input argument should be a string containing a single fecom command, or a chain of semi-column separated commands starting with a semi-column (fecom(';com1;com2')). Such commands are parsed by commode.
  • some commands, such as TextNode, allow the use of additional arguments


These commands start to implement direct model modification in the feplot figure. Sample calls are illustrated in section 2.8.1.

Anim[,One][,Time,Freq,Static][,col][nCycle i, Start i, Step]#

Deformed structure animation. The animation is not movie based so that you can actively rotate, change mode, ... without delay. The AnimStep command is only used when you really want to create movies.

The animation is started/interrupted using the animation button which calls the AnimStart command. You can set animation properties in the General tab of the feplot properties figure.

To control animation speed and replay you can use fecom('AnimTime nStep tStep tStart') which specifies the number of times that you want the animation to run (0 to run continuously), the minimum time spent at each time step (default zero), and the wait time between successive runs of the same animation (default 0, only works with time mode animation). You can also use fecom('AnimTime StepInc') to define the step increment of the animation. You may need to fix the color limits manually using cf.ua.clim=[0 1e3].

demosdt('demobartime'); fecom AnimeTime5;

Accepted Anim options are

  • Freq the default animation (use of AnimFreq to return to the default) adds a certain phase shift (2*pi/nCycle) to the amplification factor of the deformations currently displayed and updates the plot. The default nCycle value is obtained using feplot AnimnCycle25. This is appropriate for animation of mode shapes.
  • Time starts the animation in a mode that increments deformations while preserving the amplification. This is appropriate for animation of time responses.
  • Static starts the animation in a mode where the amplification factor is swept from 0 to 1 and then back to 0. This is appropriate for animation of static responses.
  • One animates the current axis only rather than the default (all).
  • Col sets color animation to dual sided (alternates between a max value and its opposite) rather than the default of no animation. You can animate colors without deformations if you define colors for the current selection without defining a deformation.
  • Slider On,Off,Tog opens an slider to select deformation.


Animation speed is very dependent on the figure renderer. See the fecom Renderer command.

AnimMovie step#

SDT supports creation of movies using VideoWriter, imwrite, avifile.

Command option -crop calls comgui ImCrop to crop borders, ... You can use the .Movie field in iicom ImWrite to generate multiple files.

Typical uses are illustrated below

cf=demosdt('DemoGartfePlot'); fecom('ColordataEvalZ-edgeAlpha.1');% Load an example

sdtroot('SetProject',struct('PlotWd',sdtdef('tempdir')));%Set target Wd % OsDic for Filename, movie format, use of cloned figure % FnI (use ii_legend text for file name) See sdtweb OsDic % ImMov4 (MP4 movie defaults, ImMovie for gif) See sdtweb d_imw % ImToFigN to clone figure before doing movie % ImSw80 to set figure/text size cingui('plotwd',cf,'@OsDic',{'FnI','ImMovie','ImToFigN','ImSw80'});

% Default using OsDic entries to control behavior and specify target modes if ispc cingui('plotwd',cf,'@OsDic',{'WrW49c'}); % Insert into word else %linux indirect MP4 through ffmpeg, transient animation example cingui('plotwd',cf,'@OsDic',{'ImMov4FF'}); % Insert into word end fecom('imwrite',struct('ch',7:8,'Movie',1));

% More advanced specify properties and shapes R2=struct('FileName',{{sdtdef('tempdir'),'Gart','@ii_legend','.gif'}}, ... 'prop',{{'Quality',100,'FrameRate',10}}, ... % VideoWriter properties 'CropFcn',{{'comgui','imCropEqual'}}, ... % Do cropping 'PostFcn','camorbit(5,0)'); % Callback after each step % R2=fecom('AnimMovie 10',R2); % Here save 10 animation steps R2=fecom('ImWrite',struct('ch',7:8,'Movie',R2)); % Generate two movies

% Use a Matlab Movie R3=struct('Profile',{{'','Matlab','movie'}}); R3=fecom('AnimMovie 10',R3); % Get a Matlab Movie in R3.M

% Older manual calls fecom('MovieProfiles') % List profiles (supported file types) tname=nas2up('tempname.gif'); R2=fecom('AnimMovie-CropEqual',tname) % ask to crop all white

caxi, ca+#

Change current axes. cax i makes the axis i (an integer number) current. ca+ makes the next axis current.

For example, fecom(';sub2 1;cax1;show line;ca+;show sensor') displays a line plot in the first axis and a sensor plot in the second.

See also the Axes tab in the feplot properties figure and the iicom sub command. In particular SubStep is used to increment the deformation numbers in each subplot.

ch[,c] [i,+,-,+i,-i], #

Displayed deformation control. feplot is generally used to initialize a number of deformations (as many as columns in mode). ch i selects the deformation(s) i to be displayed (for example ch 1 2 overlays deformations 1 and 2). By default the first deformation is displayed (for line and sensor plots with less than 5 deformations, all deformations are overlaid). You can also increment/decrement using the ch+ and ch- commands or the + and - keys when the current axis is a plot axis. ch+i increments by i from the current deformation.

You can also select deformations shown in the Deformations tab in the feplot properties figure.

When using more than one axis (different views or deformations), the ch commands are applied to all feplot axes while the chc commands only apply to the current axis.

The SubStep command is useful to obtain different deformations in a series of axes. Thus to display the first 4 modes of a structure you can use: fecom(';sub 1 1;ch1;sub 2 2 step') where the sub 1 1 is used to make sure that everything is reinitialized. You can then see the next four using fecom('ch+4').

For line and sensor plots and multiple channels, each deformation corresponds to an object and is given a color following the ColorOrder of the current axis is used. feplot line and sensor plots compatible with the use of setlines for line type sequences.

ColorData [,seli] [Type] [,-alphai]#

Color definitions Color information is defined for element selections (see the fecom Sel commands) and should be defined with the selection using a call of the form, cf.sel(i)={'SelectionString','ColorData', ...}. fecom('colordata seli ...',...) is the corresponding low level call. See also fecom ColorBar and fecom ColorLegend commands.

Accepted options for the command are

  • -alpha val can be used to set face transparency. This is only valid using OpenGL rendering and is not compatible with the display of masses (due to a MATLAB rendering bug).
  • -edgealpha val is used for edge transparency
  • -ColorBarTitle "val" is used to open a colorbar with the appropriate title (see ColorBar and ColorScale commands). A .ColorBar field can be used for calls with a data structure input.

Accepted ColorData commands are listed below

Evalfecom('ColorData EvalZ') does dynamic evaluation of the color field based on current displacements. Accepted eval options are x,y, z, a for single axis translations or translation amplitudes. RadZ,TanZ for radial and tangential displacement (assumed cylindrical coordinates with z axis).
Enerthe preferred method is now to compute energies and display using ColorDataElt as detailed in fe_stress feplot. The old command fecom('ColorData EnerK') is considered obsolete.
Group, Mat, Pro, ifecom('ColorDataGroup') defines a color for each element group, Mat for each MatId, and Pro for each ProId. ColorDataI gives a color for each separate triplet. A color map can be given as a second argument.
 ColorData Group -edge affects colors to nodes rather than surfaces and displays a colored wire-frame.
 fecom('ColorMatId',[100 0 0 1]) lets you control colors associated with materials by setting RGB color value associated to MatId=100 in the info,MatColor case entry. Similar behavior is obtained for ColorProId and ColorGroupId
 The color animation mode is set to ScaleColorOne.
Stressthe ColordataStress i command defines the selection color by calling fe_stress with command Stressi. The color animation mode is set to ScaleColorOne. This requires material and element properties to be defined with InitModel.
x, y, z, all,DOFfecom('ColorDataZ') defines a color that is proportional to motion in the z direction, ... ColorData19 will select DOF 19 (pressure). The color animation mode is set to ScaleColorDef. fecom('ColorDataALL') defines a color that is proportional to motion norm.

Uniformin this mode the deformation/object index is used to define a uniform color following the axis ColorOrder.
Eltfecom('ColorDataElt',data) specifies element colors. Nominal format is a curve (see fe_stress Ener and fe_stress feplot) or a struct with .data .EltId. Older formats are a struct with fields .data .IndInElt or two arguments data,IndInElt.
Nodelow level call to set a color defined at nodes fecom('ColorData',cmode) where cmode is a size(node,1) by size(mode,2) matrix defining nodal colors for each deformation (these are assumed to be consistent with the current deformation set). Values are scaled, see the ScaleColor command. fecom('ColorDataNode',mode,mdof) defines nodal colors that are proportional to the norm of the nodal displacement. You can obtain nodal colors linked to the displacement in a particular direction using i1=fe_c(mdof,.03,'ind');fecom('ColorDataNode', md0(i1,:), mdof(i1)) even though for displacements in the xyz directions fecom('ColorDataZ') is shorter.

Note: When displaying results colors are sometimes scaled using the amplification factor used for deformations. Thus, to obtain color values that match your input exactly, you must use the fecom ScaleColorOne mode. In some animations you may need to fix the color limits manually using cf.ua.clim=[0 1e3].

Color [,seli] [Edge ..., Face ..., Legend]#

Default EdgeColor and FaceColor properties of the different patches can be set to none, interp, flat, white, ... using fecom('ColorEdgeNone'), ...

fecom('ColorEdge',ColorSpec) where ColorSpec is any valid MATLAB color specification, is also acceptable.

EdgeColor and FaceColor apply to the current selection. The optional Seli argument can be used to change the current selection before applying the command.

You can also modify the properties of a particular object using calls of the form set(cf.o(i),'edgecolor',ColorSpec) (see fecom go commands and illustrations in gartte).

fecom('ColorLegend') uses the MATLAB legend command to create a legend for group, material or property colors. Of course, the associated selection must have such colors defined with a Colordata[M,P,G] command.


fecom('colorbar') calls the MATLAB colorbar to display a color scale to the left of the figure. feplot updates this scale when you change the deformation shown. Editing of display is done with additional arguments fecom('colorbar','CustomField',NewVal,...), where CustomField is a standard colorbar field, and NewVal the custom value to set. See comgui objSet for details on this generic SDT procedure.

fecom ColorBarOff is used to reinitialize a subplot without a color bar.

fecom('colorMap') calls ii_plp('ColormapBand') to generate specialized color maps. See ii_plp ColorMap for details.

In the following example, one plots the actual z displacement using a custom colorbar.

fecom('colordataEvalZ -edgealpha .1')
% Disp in CM (*100), 2sided ([-cmax cmax]), instant (updated scale)
fecom('ColorScale Unit 100 2Sided Instant');
% sdtweb d_imw('cbTr') % To see code of typical colorbar styles
cf.os_('CbTr{string,z}') % Use OsDic with replacement

A .ColorBar field can be used for ColorData calls with a data structure input.


fecom ColorAlpha starts a specific coloring mode where the transparency is indexed on the colormap level. This can be used to highlight high strain areas in volume models. -EdgeAlpha val may be used to make the edges transparent.

Uniform transparency of faces and edges is obtained using the FaceEdgeAlpha entry in the object context menu or with a command of the form below.

With option AlphaMap, the alphamap is shifted to highlight elements above the threshold only.

 d_ubeam; cf=feplot;
 % Use Value based alpha and Set the edges to be 10% transparent
 fecom('ColorAlpha -edgealpha .1');
 fecom('ColorAlpha -edgealpha"flat" -alphamap.5'); % edge alpha indexed on alphamap + alphamap = [50% -> 100%] colormap


Once colors defined with fecom ColorData, multiple scaling modes are supported. fecom('ColorScale') displays current mode. For calling examples, see fecom ColorBar. The modes are accessible through the feplot:Anim menu.

  • Tight corresponds to a value of [cmin cmax]. cf.ua.clim can be used to force values.
  • 1Sided corresponds to a value of [0 cmax]. This is typically used for energy display.
  • 2Sided corresponds to a value of [-cmax cmax]. This is typically used for translations, stresses, ...
  • Off the values are set at during manual refreshes (calls to fecom('ch') but not during animation. This mode is useful to limit computation costs but the color may get updated at the end of an animation.
  • Instant the values of cmin,cmax are obtained using the current deformation.
  • Transient the values are obtained using a range of deformations. For time domain animation, estimation is done dynamically, so that you may have to run your animation cycle once to find the true limit.

  • Fixed the color limits set in cf.ua.clim are forced if both clim values are finite.

  • One does not scale color deformations (default starting with SDT 6.4)
  • Unit coef defines a fixed color scaling coefficient. This is typically used to provide more convenient units (1e-6 to have stress colors in MPa rather than Pa for example).
  • Def uses the amplification coefficient set for the associated deformation.


If a time deformation is defined in the feplot figure, one can see time curve at a specific node using fecom CursorNodeIiplot command. A node cursor then appears on the feplot displayed model, and clicking on a node shows corresponding curve in the iiplot figure. Reciprocally one can show a cursor on the iiplot curve to show corresponding time deformation in feplot using iicom CursorOnFeplot command. Note that this functionality should only be used for small models.

Following example let you test this functionality.

model=femesh('testhexa8'); cf=feplot(model); model=cf.mdl; % simple cube
data=struct('def',[1 1 1 1]','DOF',[5 6 7 8]'+.03,...
    'curve',fe_curve('test sin 10e-2 5000 1 5000e-4'));
model=fe_case(model,'DofLoad','topload',data); % sin load
model=fe_case(model,'FixDof','basefix','z==0'); % fix base
model=fe_time('timeopt newmark .25 .5 0 1e-4 5000',model); % time computation
cf.def=fe_time(model); % show time animation

fecom CursorNodeIiplot % display cursor on feplot ci=iiplot;iicom(ci,'ch',{'NodeId',5}) % Test the callback

iicom CursorOnFeplot % display cursor on iiplot

% Cursor following animation fecom(sprintf('AnimCursor%i Start100',ci.opt(1)))

ga i#

fecom('ga i') or cf.ga(i) gets pointers to the associated axes. See details under the same iicom command. A typical application would be to set multiple axes to the same view using iimouse('view3',cf.ga(:)).

go i#

Get handles to fecom objects. This provides and easy mechanism to modify MATLAB properties of selected objects in the plot (see also the set command).

For example, set(fecom('go2'),'linewidth',2) will use thick lines for feplot object 2 (in the current feplot axis).

You will probably find easier to use calls of the form cf=feplot (to get a handle to the current feplot figure) followed by set (cf.o(2),'linewidth',2). If the feplot object is associated to more than one MATLAB object (as for text, mixed plate/beam, ...) you can access separate pointers using cf.o(2,1). The gartte demo gives examples of how to use these commands.


Titles for each deformation should be generated dynamically with the def.LabFcn callback. def=fe_def('lab',def) attempts to provide a meaningful default callback for the data present in the def structure.

The callback string is interpreted with a call to eval and should return a string defining the label for each channel. Local variables for the callback are ch (number of the channel currently displayed in feplot) and def (current deformation).

For example def.LabFcn='sprintf(''t=%.2f ms'',def.data(ch)*1000)' can be used to display times of a transient response in ms.

fecom('TitOpt111') turns automatic titles on (see iicom). fecom('TitOpt0') turns them off.

Legend, Head, ImWrite#

Placing a simple title over the deformation can be to coarse. Defining a comgui def.Legend field provides a more elaborate mechanism to dynamic generation of multi-line legends and file name (to be used in iicom ImWrite).

The iicom head commands can be used to place additional titles in the figure. cf.head returns a pointer to the header axis. Mode titles are actually placed in the header axis in order to bypass inappropriate placement by MATLAB when you rotate/animate deformations.


Displays information about the declared structure and the objects of the current plot in the command window. This info is also returned when displaying the SDT handle pointing to the feplot figure. Thus cf=feplot returns

 cf = 
   FEPLOT in figure 2
     Selections: cf.sel(1)='groupall';
                 cf.sel(2)='WithNode {x>.5}';
   Deformations: [ {816x20} ]
   Sensor Sets: [ 0 (current 1)]
   Axis 3 objects:
    cf.o(1)='sel 2 def 1 ch 9 ty1'; % mesh
    cf.o(2) % title

which tells what data arrays are currently defined and lists feplot objects in the current axis. fecom('pro') opens the feplot properties figure which provides an interactive GUI for feplot manipulations.

InitDef[ , Back]#

Initialization of deformations. You can (re)declare deformations at any point using cf.def(i)=def. Where cf a SDT handle to the figure of interest and i the deformation set you which to modify (if only one is defined, cf.def is sufficient). Acceptable forms to specify the deformation are

  • def is a structure with fields .def, .DOF, .data. Note that .Legend and .LabFcn can be used to control associated titles, see comgui def.Legend.
  • {mode,mdof,data} a set of vectors, a vector of DOFs. For animation of test results, mdof can be given using the 5 column format used to define arbitrary sensor directions in fe_sens. The optional data is a vector giving the meaning of each column in mode. fecom head is used to generate the label.
  • ci.Stack{'IdMain'}, see section 2.4 for identification procedures and section 5.6 for the pole residue format
  • [] resets deformations
  • {def,'sensors'} defines sensor motion in a case where sensors are defined in the case (that can be accessed through cf.CStack{'sensors'}). It is then expected that def.DOF matches the length of the sensor tdof field).
  • {def,TR} supports automatic expansion/restitution, see illustrated in the fe_sens WireExp command. The same result can be obtained by defining a def.TR field.

feplot(cf,'InitDef',data) is an alternate calling format that defines the current deformation. InitDef updates all axes. InitDefBack returns without updating plots.

load, InitModel#

Initialization of structure characteristics. The preferred calling format is
cf.model=model where the fields of model are described in section 7.6. This makes sure that all model information is stored in the feplot figure. cf.mdl then provides a handle that lets you modify model properties in scripts without calling InitModel again.

Lower level calls are cf.model={node,elt,bas}
(or feplot('InitModel' ,node,elt,bas) (see basis for bas format information). InitModelBack does not update the plot (you may want to use this when changing model before redefining new deformations).

The command is also called when using femesh plotelt, or upcom plotelt (which is equivalent to cf.model=Up). Note that cf.model=UFS(1) for a data stack resulting from ufread and cf.model=Up for type 3 superelement.

Load from file fecom('Load','FileName') will load the model from a binary FileName.mat file. By default the variable model is searched in the file. fecom('FileImportInfo') lists supported import formats.

The following variables are looked for in the .mat file

  • model a model structure.
  • def a def structure that will be loaded by default in cf.def
  • cf_seli, with i a number, a sel selection structure that will be loaded and stored in cf.sel(i).

The following command options apply to command load for specific applications

  • -back is used to load, but not display the model (this is used for very large model reading).
  • -Hdf loads a model from a HDF5 .mat file but retains most data at v_handle pointers to the file.
  • -sLin loads a model and generates a display using cf.sel='-linface'. This is needed for larger models.
  • -noDef skips loading deformation curves when present.
  • -skipFSE skips HDF loading of external data stored in model.fileSE


Initialization of sensors. You can declare sensors independently of the degrees of freedom used to define deformations (this is in particular useful to show measurement sensors while using modeshape expansion for deformations). Sensor and arrow object show the sensor sets declared using initsens.

Translation sensors in global coordinates can be declared using a DOF definition vector cf.sens(i)={mdof} or feplot('initsens',mdof). In the first calling format, the current sensor set is first set to i.

Sensors in other directions are declared by replacing mdof by a 5 column matrix following the format

   SensorId  NodeId  nx ny nz

with SensorId an arbitrary identifier (often 101.99 for sensor of unknown type at node 101), NodeId the node number of the sensor position, [nx ny nz] a unit vector giving the sensor direction in global coordinates (see section 3.1).

fe_sens provides additional tools to manipulate sensors in arbitrary directions. Examples are given in the gartte demo.


feplot('plot'), the same as feplot without argument, refreshes axes of the current figure. If refreshing the current axis results in an error (which may occasionally happen if you modify the plot externally), use clf;iicom('sub') which will check the consistency of objects declared in each axis. Note that this will delete Text objects as well as objects created using the SetObject command.


feplot('pro') initializes or refreshes the feplot property GUI. You can also use the Edit:Feplot Properties ... menu. A description of this GUI is made in section 4.4.

feplot('ProViewOn') turns entry viewing on.


This command can be used to switch the renderer used by feplot. Animation speed is very dependent on the figure renderer. When creating the figure fecom tries to guess the proper renderer to use (painters, zbuffer, opengl), but you may want to change it (using the Feplot:Render menu or set(gcf,'renderer', 'painters'), ...). painters is still good for wire frame views, zbuffer has very few bugs but is very slow on some platforms, opengl is generally fastest but still has some significant rendering bugs on UNIX platforms.

To avoid crashes when opening feplot in OpenGL mode use cingui('Renderer zbuffer default') in your MATLAB startup file.

Save, FileExport#

Save the model to a .mat file or export it to supported formats.
fecom('FileExportInfo') lists supported export formats.

fecom('Save -savesel file.mat' also saves the selection(s) which allows faster reload of large models. fecom('Save -savedef file.mat' also saves the deformations(s).

Scale [ ,Defs, Dofi, equal, match, max, one]#

Automatic deformation scaling. Scaling of deformations is the use of an amplification factor very often needed to actually see anything. A deformation scaling coefficient is associated with each deformed object. The Scale commands let you modify all objects of the current axis as a group.

You can specify either a length associated with the maximum amplitude or the scaling coefficient.

The base coefficient scc for this amplification is set using fecom('ScaleCoef scc'), while fecom('ScaleDef scd') sets the target length. fecom('scd 0.01') is an accepted shortcut. If scd is zero an automatic amplitude is used. You can also modify the scaling deformation using the l or L keys (see iimouse).

fecom supports various scaling modes summarized in the table below. You can set this modes with fecom('scalemax') ... commands.

Scaling modeScaling of 1st deformationScaling of other deformations
maxAmplitude of Max DOF set to scd.Amplitude of Max DOF set to scd.
equalAmplitude of Max DOF set to scd.Amplitude of other deformations equal to the first one, and amplitude of other objects equal to the first one.
matchAmplitude of Max DOF set to scd.Amplitude of other deformations set to optimize superposition. When using two deformation sets, rather than two modes in the same set, their DOFs must be compatible.
coefDeformation amplitude multiplied by scd.Same as first deformation.
oneSets scd to 1 and uses coef mode (so further changes to scd lead to amplification that is not equal to 1).Same as first deformation.

Warning : using ScaleMax or AnimFreq can lead to negative or complex amplification factors which only makes sense for frequency domain shapes.
fecom('scalecoef') will come back to positive amplification of each object in the current feplot axis.

ScaleDofi is used to force the scaling DOF to be i. As usual, accepted values for i are of the form NodeId.DofId (1.03 for example). If i is zero or not a valid DOF number an automatic selection is performed. ScaleDof can only be used with a single deformation set.

You can change the scale mode using the FEplot:Scale menu or in the Axes tab of the feplot properties figure.

Sel [ElementSelectors, GroupAll, Reset, ResetNew ElementSelectors]#

Selection of displayed elements. What elements are to be displayed in a given object is based on the definition of a selection (see section 7.12).

The default command is 'GroupAll' which selects all elements of all element groups (see section 7.2 for details on model description matrices). cf.sel(1)='Group1 3:5' will select groups 1, 3, 4 and 5. cf.sel(1)='Group1 & ProId 2 & WithNode {x>0}' would be a more complex selection example.

To define other properties associated with the selection (fecom ColorData in particular), use a call of the form cf.sel(i)={'SelectionString','OtherProp',OtherPropData}.

To return to the default selection use fecom('SelReset').

To ask for a complete selection reset prior to the generation of a new one, use fecom('SelResetNew ...').

fecom('Sel ... -linface') can be used to generate first order faces for second order elements, which allows faster animation.

Callbacks to customized selections is also available. One can then provide a selection starting with @, the output will be evaluatued on-the-fly. The function must rethrow in order i1, el0 and i2 as

  • i1 the indices of the selected elements in cf.mdl.
  • el0 the elements selected in cf.mdl. This can be the result of a transformation, e.g. face elements from a selface based selection.
  • i2 the indices of the selected elements in cf.mdl, including the element header rows.

The function is called as [i1,el0,i2]=eval(CAM(2:end));

SetObjectcf.o(1)= ... fecomSetObjset i [,ty j] ...#

Set properties of object i. Plots generated by feplot are composed of a number of objects with basic properties

  • ty 1 (surface view), 2 (wire frame view), 3 (stick view of sensors), 4 (undeformed structure), 5 (node text labels), 6 (DOF text labels), 7 (arrow view of sensors).
  • def k index of the deformation set, stored in cf.def(i), seefecom InitDef.
  • ch k channel (column of deformation)
  • sel k index of display selection. See fecom Sel.
  • scc k scaling coefficient for the deformation.

The following example illustrates how the SetObject can be used to create new objects or edit properties of existing ones.

 cf=feplot(femesh('testquad4 divide 2 2'));
 cf.sel(2)='withnode {x==0}';
% Display objects in current axis
% Copy and edit one of the object lines to modify properties
 cf.o(1)='sel 1 def 1 ch 0 ty1'; % make type 1 (surface)
% Set other MATLAB patch properties
 cf.o(1)={'sel 2 def 1 ch 0 ty1','marker','o'} 
% Multiple object set, object index is row in cell array
 fecom(cf,'setobject',{'ty1 sel 2 ty','ty2 sel 1'})
% remove second object by empty string

Show [patch,line,sensor,arrow, ...]#

Basic plots are easily created using the show commands which are available in the FEplot:Show ... menu).

patchsurface view with hidden face removal and possible color coding (initialized by fecom('ShowPatch')). cf.o(1) object type is 1. For color coding, see colordata commands.
linewire frame plot of the deformed structure (initialized by fecom('ShowLine')). cf.o(2) object type is 2.
sensSensor plots with sticks at sensor locations in the direction and with the amplitude of the response (initialized by fecom('ShowSen')). cf.o(2) object type is 3.
arrowSensor plots with arrows at sensor locations in the direction and with the amplitude of the response (initialized by fecom('ShowArrow')). cf.o(2) object type is 7.
DefArrowDeformation plots with lines connecting the deformed and undeformed node positions. (initialized by fecom('ShowDef')). cf.o(2) object type is 8.
Fi...The sdtroot OsDic utilities are now used to allow customization of plot initialization. d_imw('Fi') lists predefined init sequencees.
Basshows triaxes centered a the position of each local basis. The length of the triax arrow is specified by option -deflenlen. Option DID places the origin of each triax at a node using this displacement frame. Option -endbas removes intermediate basis from the display.
FEMonly shows FEM element groups for models mixing test and FEM information
testonly shows test element groups for models mixing test and FEM information
linksshows a standard plot with the test and FEM meshes as well as links used for topological correlation (see fe_sens links).
mapfecom('ShowMap',MAP) displays the vector map specified in MAP (see feutil GetNormalMap). Nota : to see the real orientation, use the fecom('scaleone'); instruction. fecom('ShowUndef',MAP) also displays the underlying structure. MAP can also be a stack entry containing orientation information (see pro.MAP) or an element selection, as in the example below demosdt('demogartfeplot');fecom('ShowMap','EltName quad4')
NodeMarkfecom('shownodemark',1:10,'color','r','marker','o') displays the node positions of given NodeId (here 1 to 10) as a line. Here a series of red points with a o marker. You can also display positions with fecom('shownodemark',[x y z],'marker','x'). Command option -noclear allows to overlay several shownodemark plots, e.g. to show distinct sets of nodes with different colors at once. This can also be obtained by providing a cell array of node numbers.
Trajfecom('ShowTraj',(1:10)') displays the trajectories of the node of NodeIds 1 to 10 for current deformation. Command option -axis is used to display axis node trajectories.
2defis used for cases where you want to compare two deformations sets. The first two objects only differ but the deformation set they point to (1 and 2 respectively). A typical call would be cf.def(1)={md1,mdof,f1}; cf.def(2)={md2,mdof,f2}; fecom('show2def').
DockXYZgenerates a dock with 3 subplots showing colors in the x, y and z directions.

Once the basic plot created, you can add other objects or modify the current list using the Text and SetObject commands.

Sub [i j ], SubIso, SubStep#

Drawing figure subdivision (see iicom for more details). This lets you draw more than one view of the same structure in different axes. In particular the SubIso command gives you four different views of the same structure/deformation.

SubStep or Sub i j Step increments the deformation shown in each subplot. This command is useful to show various modeshapes in the same figure. Depending on the initial state of the figure, you may have to first set all axes to the same channel. Use fecom('ch1;sub 2 2 step') for example.

Text [off, Node [,Select], Dof d]#

Node/DOF text display. TextOff removes all text objects from the current feplot axis. TextNode displays the numbers of the nodes in FEnode. You can display only certain node numbers by a node selection command Select. Or giving node numbers in fecom('textnode',i). Text properties can be given as extract arguments, for example fecom('textnode',i,'FontSize',12,'Color','r'). One can customize specific text display attached to nodal positions by directly providing a structure with fields .vert0, a 3 column matrix of nodal positions (that can be independent from the mesh) and .Node a 1 column cell array with as many lines as .vert0 containing strings to be displayed.

TextDOF displays the sensor node and direction for the current sensor.

TextDOF Name displays sensor labels of a cf.CStack{'Name'} SenDof entry. Additional arguments can be used to modify the text properties. fecom('textdof') displays text linked to currently declared sensors, see feplot InitSens command (note that this command is being replaced by the use of SensDof entries).

TextMatId places a label in the middle of each material area. TextProId does the same for properties.

TitOpt [ ,c] i#

Automated title/label generation options. TitOpt i sets title options for all axes to the value i. i is a three digit number with units corresponding to title, decades to xlabel and hundreds to ylabel. By adding a c after the command (TitOptC 111 for example), the choice is only applied to the current axis.

The actual meaning of options depends on the plot function (see iiplot). For feplot, titles are shown for a non zero title option and not shown otherwise. Title strings for feplot axes are defined using the fecom head command.

Triax [ , On, Off]#

Orientation triax. Orientation of the plotting axis is shown using a small triax. Triax initializes the triax axis or updates its orientation. TriaxOff deletes the triax axis (in some plots you do not want it to show). Each triax is associated to a given axis and follows its orientation. The triax is initially positioned at the lower left corner of the axis but you drag it with your mouse.

Finally can use fecom('triaxc') to generate a triax in a single active subplot.

Undef [ , Dot, Line, None]#

Undeformed structure appearance. The undeformed structure is shown as a line which is made visible/invisible using UnDef (UnDefNone forces an invisible mesh). When visible, the line can show the node locations (use UnDefDot) or link nodes with dotted lines (use UnDefLine).

View [...]#

Orientation control. See iimouse view. iimouse('viewclone',[cf.opt(1) cg.opt(1)]) can be used to link animation and orientation of two feplot figures. This is in particular used in ii_mac.

See also

feplot, fe_exp, feutil