Material function for piezoelectric solids
mat= m_piezo('database name') pl = m_piezo('dbval MatId -elas 12 Name');
See section 6.1.4 for tutorial calls. Accepted commands are
[Database,Dbval] [-unit TY] [,MatiD]] Name#
m_piezo contains a number of defaults obtained with the database and dbval commands which respectively return a structure or an element property row. You can select a particular entry of the database with using a name matching the database entries.
Piezoelectric materials are associated with two material identifiers, the main defines the piezoelectric properties and contains a reference ElasMatId to an elastic material used for the elastic properties of the material (see m_elastic for input formats).
m_piezo('info') % List of materials in data base % database piezo and elastic properties pl=m_piezo('dbval 3 -elas 12 SONOX_P502_iso')
Theoretical details on piezoelectric materials are given in chapter 6.1.4. The m_piezo Const and BuildConstit commands support integration constant building for piezo electric volumes integrated in the standard volume elements. Element properties are given by p_solid entries, while materials formats are detailed here.
Supports the specification of a number of patches available on the market. The call uses an option structure with fields
- .name of the form ProIdval+patchName. For example ProId1+SmartM.MFC-P1.2814.
- MatId value for the initial MatId.
m_piezo('patch') lists currently implemented geometries. In particular
Disk.Material.Geometry is used for generic circular patches. (Legacy Noliac.Material.Geometry is used for circular patches by Noliac). The list of materials in the database is obtained with m_piezo('info'). Fields for the geometry are
- OD outer diameter (mm). This can be replaced by RC.
- TH Thickness (mm). To specify a milimiter fraction replace the . by and _. For example TH0_7 is used for TH=0.7 mm.
- ID inner diameter (mm) (optional for piezo rings).
- LC characteristic length for meshing (when mesher has hability to use the information)
- Rect.Material.Geometry is used for generic rectangular patches. SmartM.Material.Geometry is used for rectangular patches by Smart Materials. Fields for the geometry are
- WI width (mm)
- LE length (mm)
- TH Thickness (mm). To specify a milimiter fraction replace the . by and _. For example TH0_7 is used for TH=0.7 mm.
- LC characteristic length for meshing (when mesher has hability to use the information)
Thus WI28LE14TH_2 is a 28 by 14 by 0.2 mm patch. The geometry can also be coded as 2814TH_2.
The piezoelectric constants can be declared using the following sub-types
1:Simplified 3D piezoelectric properties#
[ProId Type ElasMatId d31 d32 d33 eps1T eps2T eps3T EDType]
These simplified piezoelectric properties (1.6) can be used for PVDF, but also for PZT if shear mode actuation/sensing is not considered (d24=d15=0). For EDType==0 on assumes d is given. For EDType==1, e is given. Note that the values of єT (permitivity at zero stress) should be given (and not єS).
2:General 3D piezo#
[ProId Type ElasMatId d_1:18 epsT_1:9]
d_1:18 are the 18 constants of the [d] matrix (see section 6.1.4), and epsT_1:9 are the 9 constants of the [єT] matrix. One reminds that strains are stored in order xx,yy,zz,yz,zx,yx.
3 : General 3D piezo, e matrix#
[ProId Type ElasMatId e_1:18 epsT_1:9]
e_1:18 are the 18 constants of the [d] matrix, and epsT_1:9 are the 9 constants of the [єT] matrix in the constitutive law (see section 6.1.4).
See also