1.7  Licensing utilities#

1.7.1  Installation procedure (SDT >= 7.2)#

  1. Download distribution (https://www.sdtools.com/distrib/beta/sdtcur.zip) and unzip to a temporary directory (no accents accepted in the name, do not use a directory in matlabroot/toolbox)
  2. go to this directory in MATLAB and use
    • sdtcheck sitereq to generate a license request. This is a string (SE_"base"_ ...)
    • sent the request by email to request@sdtools.com, so that we can generate a license sdt.lic file.
    • in the mail indicate if you have purchased a license or if this is a demo, your contact information and some indication of your interests (SDT covers many topics, so this indication is to help use guide you)
  3. Save the sdt.lic file which you will receive by email in the same directory.
  4. Install using sdtkey install. You may define a local variable target='mydir' to specify a non default location for your SDT. The default fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','sdt') may require Administrator access. You should then start MATLAB as an administrator or install elsewhere and manually move the directory afterwards.
  5. edit startup or pathdef.

This is a sample script

% 1. Try automated download
 cd(tempdir);if ~exist('./sdtdemos');mkdir('sdtdemos');end
 if ~exist('sdtrlm')% Download and extract sdtrlm mex file to tempdir/sdtdemos
 % If it fails
 %  - do unzip by hand 
 %  - in Matlab go to the unzipped directory

% 2. Generate the license request string sdtcheck('sitereq') % In the ListDialog select the products of interest and press OK

% 3. Once you have received the sdt.lic file by email % place it in the directory where you downloaded the distribution

% 4. Install target=fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','sdt'); % Or your own choice sdtkey install

% 5. Possibly edit startup or pathdef

Note that the licence file is copied in sdt/7.5/sdt.lic if you ever need to edit it.

1.7.2  Floating license installation#

Floating SDT licenses can use the RLM license manager. To install the server, download https://www.sdtools.com/distrib/RLM.zip.

  • For windows, save the RLM.zip/win64 directory to the target location of your server and start a shell (cmd.exe)
  • For Linux, save the RLM.zip/glnxa64 directory to the target location of your server and start a shell.
  • Obtain configuration information for the license generation (note the second line will fail if you do not yet have a RLM server on that machine).
    cd MyServerLocation
    rlmutil rlmhostid
    rlmutil rlmstat 
  • Send the associated information by email, so that we can generate a license sdt.lic file for your license server.
  • Once you have received the sdt.lic file and placed it in the server directory where you will also find the sdt.set file. You can start the server using
    cd MyServerLocation
    rlm > outputfile 
    rlmutil rlmhostid

    Note that you should NEVER run the RLM server as a priviledged user (root on unix or administrator on Windows). You can also find more administration help at https://www.reprisesoftware.com/RLM_License_Administration.pdf. In particular, the -install_service option is useful for windows, and boot time init is described for Linux.

On the client side (user copies of SDT), you will need to follow the procedure for SDT installation at https://www.sdtools.com/faq/Release.html,

  • download the installation files
  • place in the extraction directory an sdt.lic file that contains the HOST and ISV lines lines from the server file. HOST specifies the server name and port it must be accessible on the client machine.ISV sdt specifying the use of an SDT server. The port specification on the second line may be necessary in configurations with firewalls but may be deleted otherwise.
    #  type(fullfile(prefdir,'sdt.lic')) % for display in MATLAB
    HOST NameOfServer  ANY 5053
    ISV sdt
  • install using sdtkey install (see step 5 of the procedure https://www.sdtools.com/faq/Release.html).
  • To check the status of licenses used in your current MATLAB session use the following and possibly send the result to SDTools for diagnostic
  • For details on the server status sdtcheck('rlmstat').
  • Please note that for multiple installations, you simply need to use a network location (windows : windows server or Linux server with SAMBA, linux: NFS mount or equivalent) or copy the full SDT directory and possibly the license file sdt.lic to the user preference directory using

1.7.3  Floating license usage#

When using a floating license on a shared network, you don't need to install SDT on each computer. You can simply add the directory to your path by adding the following lines to your startup.m file

 cd('target') % Replace target by the correct location
 sdtcheck('path');cd(pw0);clear pw0

If you do not have a shared drive, simply copy the SDT directory (use which('feplot') to verify its location) from one computer to the next.