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1.9  Release notes for SDT 6.4 and FEMLink 3.7

1.9.1  Key features

SDT 6.4 is a relatively minor release due to significant architectural work on GUI and implicit curve models that is not yet mature enough for general release. Key features are

Key features of FEMLink 3.7 are

For MATLAB compatibility see section 1.9.3.

1.9.2  Detail by function

The following functions have been modified.

feplotfecom ColorScale commands were fully revised for improved stability and performance. ColorDataEner was fully revised to allow reuse of existing energy computations. A new InfoMass command is available to summarize component masses. ColorDataEval was significantly extended in particular for the support of StressCut selections. A new -ColorBarTitle option was added. Minor corrections to the AnimAvi command were introduced.
feutilMajor extension of the feutil SetPro command. Improved handling of surface sets.
feutilbmajor improvement in matching speed (used for ConnectionSurface or StressCut). Robustness enhancement for out-of-core operations.
fe2ssMinor bug corrections on damping handling.
fe_caseSensDof entry has been extended for better rotation sensor support. Incompatible matching speed has been greatly enhanced. The new StressCut command (see section 4.7) was introduced to allow stress processing of long transient simulations.
 ConnectionSurface now support multi-physics FEM problems.
 stack_get and set commands are now supported.
fe_defEnhanced documentation, label generation, curve joining, ...
fe_fmeshnow packages calls to MATLAB 3D delaunay capabilities.
fe_mknl, basisFixed minor bugs with the generation of dependent coordinate systems and improved handling of round-off errors. Port of right hand side computations to of_mk has been extended.
fe_mpca new FixRbe3Alt was introduced to ease reformatting of RBE3 entries.
fe_reducthe documentation was rewritten. The Craig-Bampton command was revised to support out-of-core operations with .mat files in the HDF format.
fe_timesupport for θ-method and Euler solvers has been added. Improvements of on the fly processing with have been made in of_time. Major improvements for for non-linear time simulation are being developed and will be offered as a SDT extension.
fe_sensToFEM option was added to the basis command to improve test mesh orientation procedures.
fe_simulStatic now supports mixed DofSet and DofLoad entries.


m-file opening with tag searches has been enhanced.
curvemodelThis new object (requires MATLAB >=7.6) is used for implicit curve models. This object is the basis for future extensions of signal processing and FEM restitution capabilities in SDT.
idcomRobustness enhancements and improved support of quality indicator.
id_rmMinor revisions for data structure support.
ii_macnow supports a SubDof option for MAC computation on partial DOF sets. Documentation was rewritten. Minor bug corrections on COMAC and MACCO labels.
ii_plpExtended vertical line generation capabilities.
iicom, iiplotExtended support of HDF file reading. Significant extensions of polar and 2D plots. Many minor bug corrections.
line2was introduced as topology holder for multi-physics 3D line elements.
p_piezoEnhanced compatibility with fe_simul and minor bug fixes.
p_beamIntroduced NSM support for subtype 3 and revised section display capabilities.
p_heatSupport and documentation of solvers for transient heat equation has been extended.
ufreadImproved robustness reading headers.
upcomMajor documentation rewriting and better integration with fe_case.
cinguiMajor revision in preparation for SDT/Java integration and improved command option handling.
sdthdfimproved robustness and performance.
tria3now properly supports local fiber orientation.

1.9.3  Notes by MATLAB release

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