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Interface function with SAMCEF FEM code.
Up=samcef('read model.u18') Up=samcef('read model.u18','buildup') Up=samcef('read model.bdf','buildup') a=samcef('lectmat','FileRoot') samcef('write FileName',model)
By itself the read commands imports the model (not the properties since those are not stored explicitly in the .u18 file. With the 'buildup' argument, the .u11 and .u12 files are also read to import element matrices into a superelement. Additional DOFs linked to reduced shear formulations are properly condensed.
Since the properties are not read, there are some difficulties knowing DOFs actually used in the model. You should then start by declaring those properties in format before calling the read command.
model=samcef('read test_dy.u18'); % read model % define properties'dbval 1 steel','dbval 5 steel');'dbval 100 kirchhoff .1 -f5','dbval 1 kirchhoff .1 -f5'); % check that properties are valid [Case,model.DOF]=fe_mknl('initnocon',model); % Now read the element matrices (from .u11 and .u12 files) model=samcef('read test_dy.u18',model,'buildup')
When reading .u18 files, modeshapes are stored in the model stack entry curve,record(12)_disp. Other imported results are also stored in the stack.
Basic writing is supported with samcef('write FileName',model). Please send requests to extend these capabilities.
This command lists conversion tables for elements, topologies, facetopologies. You can redefine (enhance) these tables by setting preferences of the form setpref( 'FEMLink', 'samcef.list', value), but please also request enhancements so that the quality of our translators is improved.
See also