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User Interface (UI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) Tools | |
fecom | UI command function for deformations created with feplot |
femesh | UI command function for mesh building and modification |
feplot | GUI for 3-D deformation plots |
fesuper | UI commands for superelement manipulations |
idcom | UI commands for standard identification procedures |
idopt | manipulation of identification options |
iicom | UI commands for measurement data visualization |
ii_mac | GUI for MAC and other vector correlation criteria |
iiplot | GUI for the visualization of frequency response data |
Experimental Model Identification | |
idcom | UI commands linked to identification |
idopt | manipulation of options for identification related functions |
id_rc | broadband pole/residue model identification |
id_rcopt | alternate optimization algorithm for id_rc |
id_rm | minimal and reciprocal MIMO model creation |
id_nor | optimal normal mode model identification |
id_poly | weighted least square orthogonal polynomial identification |
id_dspi | direct system parameter identification algorithm |
ii_poest | narrow-band single pole model identification |
ii_pof | transformations between pole representation formats |
psi2nor | optimal complex/normal mode model transformation |
res2nor | simplified complex to normal mode residue transformation |
UI and GUI Utilities | |
comgui | general purpose functions for the graphical user interfaces |
commode | general purpose parser for UI command functions |
comstr | general purpose string handling routine |
iimouse | mouse related callbacks (zooming, info, ...) |
feutil | mesh handling utilities |
ii_plp | overplot vertical lines to indicate pole frequencies |
setlines | line style and color sequencing utility |
Frequency Response Analysis Tools | |
db | amplitude in dB (decibels) |
ii_cost | FRF comparison with quadratic and logLS cost |
ii_mmif | Multivariate Mode Indicator Function |
phaseb | phase (in degrees) with an effort to unwrap along columns |
rms | Root Mean Square response |
Test/analysis correlation tools | |
fe_exp | experimental shape expansion |
fe_sens | sensor configuration declaration and sensor placement tools |
ii_comac | obsolete (supported by ii_mac) |
ii_mac | GUI for MAC and other vector correlation criteria |
Finite Element Analysis Tools | |
fe2ss | methods to build ss models from full order FEM |
fe_c | DOF selection and I/O matrix creation |
fe_case | Cases (loads, boundary conditions, etc.) handling |
fe_ceig | computation and normalization of complex modes |
fe_coor | transformation matrices for Component Mode Synthesis |
fe_eig | partial and full eigenvalue computations |
fe_load | assembly of distributed load vectors |
fe_mat | material property handling utilities |
fe_mk | assembly of full and reduced FE models |
fe_norm | orthonormalization and collinearity check |
fe_reduc | utilities for finite element model reduction |
fe_stress | element energies and stress computations |
fe_super | generic element function for superelement support |
rigid | projection matrix for linearized rigid body constraints |
Model Format Conversion | |
nor2res | normal mode model to complex mode residue model |
nor2ss | assemble state-space model linked to normal mode model |
nor2xf | compute FRF associated to a normal mode model |
qbode | fast computation of FRF of a state-space model |
res2ss | pole/residue to state space model |
res2tf | pole/residue to/from polynomial model |
res2xf | compute FRF associated to pole/residue model |
ss2res | state-space to pole/residue model |
Finite Element Update Tools | |
upcom | user interface for finite element update problems |
up_freq | semi-direct update by comparison modal frequencies |
up_ifreq | iterative update by comparison of modal frequencies |
up_ixf | iterative update based on FRF comparison |
up_min | minimization algorithm for FE update algorithms |
Interfaces with Other Software | |
ans2sdt | reading of ANSYS binary files (FEMLink) |
nasread | read from MSC/NASTRAN .dat, .f06, .o2, .o4 files (some with FEMLink) |
naswrite | write data to MSC/NASTRAN bulk data deck (some with FEMLink) |
nas2up | extended reading of NASTRAN files |
ufread | read Universal File Format (some with FEMLink) |
ufwrite | write Universal File Format (some with FEMLink) |
Other Utilities | |
basis | coordinate transformation utilities |
ffindstr | find string in a file |
order | sorts eigenvalues and eigenvectors accordingly |
remi | integer rem function (remi(6,6)=6 and not 0) |
setlines | line type and color sequencing |
sdth | SDT handle objects |
ofact | creation and operators on ofact matrix objects |
sdtcheck | installation handling and troubleshooting utilities |