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Pole line plots and other plot enhancement utilities.
ii_plp(po) ii_plp(po,color,Opt)
Generation of zoomable vertical lines with clickable information.
ii_plp(po) will plot vertical dotted lines indicating the pole frequencies of complex poles in po and dashed lines at the frequencies of real poles. The poles po can be specified in any of the 3 accepted formats (see ii_pof).
When you click on these lines, a text object indicating the properties of the current pole is created. You can delete this object by clicking on it. When the lines are part of iiplot axes, clicking on a pole line changes the current pole and updates any axis that is associated to a pole number (local Nyquist, residue and error plots, see iiplot).
When displaying a curve in iiplot, one can generate automatic calls to ii_plp. Curve.ID field can be used to generate automatically vertical lines in iiplot. It is a cell array with as many cell as line sets. Each cell is a data structure defining the line set. Following fields can be defined:
When using line sequencing, it is preferable to set the property using the line object tag now. Thus
R1=sdsetprop(R1,'', ... '@now',{'LineStyle','--','color','k','marker','none'});
Dynamic multi-line legend generation used by iiplot and feplot
ii_plp('legend',ga,prop) with properties a cell array detailed with in comgui def.Legend (typical legend generation associated with FEM solutions).
ii_plp('legend -corner .01 .01 -reset ',ga,ua,StringCell,legProp) is an older format found in some calls, with ga handle to the axis where the axes is to be placed, see gca. ua if not empty provides additional properties .legProp, .Corner.
Generate subsampled markers.
figure(1); ii_plp('spy',k)' Generates a spy plot with color coding associated with the non-zero element values of matrix k.
To perform block-wise spy plots of a single matrix, it is possible to provide matrix k as a structure with fields
SDT implements a general mechanism for enhancing the basic dynamic tick label generation of MATLAB. This allows placement of strings are proper locations on an axis. ii_plp('TickFcn') list predefined ticks.
This functionality is not fully documented and you are encouraged to look-up the source code. SDT generated plots expect the following fields in the axis userdata ua.TickInfo for data and ua.TickFcn for the callback. A sample usage would be
C1=struct('X',{{num2cell(2:4)' 2}},'Xlab',{{'x','y'}}, ... 'Y',(1:3)') figure(1);plot(1:3,C1.Y);ii_plp('tickXCell',C1,gca); C1=ii_plp('tickXCell',C1); %Defines the PlotInfo iiplot(C1);
FEM oriented color maps. fecom('colormapjet(5)') generates a map with 5 colors and grey level bands. This is called using
figure(1);h=mesh(peaks(300)); set(h,'edgecolor','none','facecolor','interp'); ii_plp('ColormapBandjet(5)') ii_plp('ColormapFireIce 20') ii_plp('ColormapSamcef')
ii_plp('ColorMap') with no argument opens the tag list for colormap thus showing the currently available maps.
See also