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Line color and style sequencing utility.
setlines setlines(ColorMap,LineSequence) setlines(ColorMapName,LineSequence,MarkerSequence)
The M-by-3 ColorMap or ColorMapName (standard color maps such as jet, hsv, etc.) is used as color order in place or the ColorMap given in the ColorOrder axis property (which is used as a default).
The optional LineSequence is a matrix giving the linestyle ordering whose default is ['- ';'--';'-.';': '].
The optional MarkerSequence is a matrix giving the marker ordering. Its default is empty (marker property is not set).
For all the axes in the current figure, setlines finds solid lines and modifies the Color, LineStyle and Marker properties according the arguments given or the defaults. Special care is taken to remain compatible with plots generated by feplot and iiplot.
setlines is typically used to modify line styles before printing. Examples would be
setlines k setlines([],'-','ox+*s') setlines(get(gca,'colororder'),':','o+^>')