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High level access to standard solvers.
[Result,model] = fe_simul('Command',MODEL,OPT)
fe_simul is the generic function to compute various types of response. It allows an easy access to specialized functions to compute static, modal (see fe_eig) and transient (see fe_time) response. A tutorial may be found in section 4.8.
Once you have defined a FEM model (section 4.5), material and elements properties (section 4.5.1), loads and boundary conditions (see fe_case), calling fe_simul assembles the model (if necessary) and computes the response using the dedicated algorithm.
Note that you may access to the fe_simul commands graphically with the simulate tab of the feplot GUI. See tutorial (section 4.8) on how to compute a response.
Input arguments are :
Accepted commands are
model = demosdt('demo ubeam');cf=feplot;cf.model=model; data = struct('sel','GroupAll','dir',[1 0 0]); model = fe_case(model,'FVol','Volume load',data); [cf.def,model]=fe_simul('static',model);
model = demosdt('demo ubeam');cf=feplot;cf.model=model; model=stack_set(model,'info','EigOpt',[6 10 0 11]); [cf.def,model]=fe_simul('mode',model);
femesh('reset'); model = femesh('testubeamt'); model=fe_case(model,'FixDof','Clamped end','z==0'); r1=struct('DOF',365.03,'def',1.1); % 1.1 N at node 365 direction z model=fe_case(model,'DofLoad','PointLoad',r1); model= stack_set(model,'info','Freq',1:10); def=fe_simul('DFRF',model);
One can define a frequency dependence of the load using a curve (see section 7.9 for more detail). For example:
model=fe_curve(model,'set','input','Testeval (2*pi*t).^2'); model=fe_case(model,'setcurve','PointLoad','input');
model=demosdt('demo bar'); [def,model]=fe_simul('time newmark',model,[.25 .5 0 1e-4 50]); def.DOF=def.DOF+.02; cf=feplot;cf.model=model;cf.def=def; fecom(';view1;animtime;ch20');
See also