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Purpose This function gives some commands to help the meshing of 1D rotor. See section ?? for general details about 1d rotors and section 3.1.2 for a full example of 1d rotor meshing.


From a 1d model with beam1 elements (masses are not converted for the moment), builds a 2d rotor.
LC l defines the max length of elements.


From a 1d model with beam1 elements (masses are not converted for the moment), builds a 3d rotor. one can see section 3.1.3 for a tutorial.

The grounded celas are assumed to be bearings. RBE3 rings are defined at each bearing.


This command add a rotor bearing as a celas element.
mo1d=rotor1d('AddBearing ...',mo1d,pos);
mo1d is a 1d rotor model pos is the x y z position of the bearing.

Command options are

For example:
mo1d=rotor1d('AddBearing DOF -123 k 1e4 -keep',mo1d,pos);


mo1d=rotor1d('AddBeam ...',mo1d);
This command adds a beam on the axis of the rotor, accordin to following argument specified as command option:

For example
mo1d=rotor1d('AddBeam x1 0.5 x2 0.7 r1 0.11 r2 0.77 MatID 1',mo1d);


[mo1d,ind]=rotor1d('AddNodeRefine ...',mo1d,xyz);
This low level call command adds nodes at given positions xyz (one row per node, 3 columns x y and z, or one column to define distance along the rotor axis) refining beams of the model mo1d if needed.
Command options are:

For example
[mo1d,ind]=rotor1d('AddNodeRefine',mo1d,[0.2 0 0]);


This command can be used to generate rotor model from skyline description. xy is a 2 column matrix whose 1st column defines position according to rotation axis, and 2nd column defines radius at corresponding positions. One can define multiple parts rotor using separator NaN in the 1st column. For 2D rotor meshing, use [NaN r] to define internal radius r of the corresponding part.

Following command options are accepted

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