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The rotor2d function lets you build a superelement representation for rotor applications starting from a 2D model. A tutorial is given in section ??
Needs description.
model=rotor2d('buildFrom2D',model2D); builds a 3D sector model by revolution of a 2D section. In the rotor module, the symmetry axis is always z so that if the 2D mesh is given in xy coordinates a permutation is performed.
The sector is modeled as a superelement called disk1.
% Model Initialization model2D=rotor2d('test simpledisk -back'); cf=feplot(rotor2d('buildFrom2D',model2D)); SE=cf.Stack{'disk1'}; % enforce boundary cond. on sector and assemble SE=fe_case(SE,'FixDof','Base','z==1.01'); SE=stack_set(SE,'info','Omega',[0 0 0;0 0 1000]); % define speed range SE=fe_cyclic('assemble -se',SE); cf.Stack{'disk1'}=SE; fecom('view1'); cf.Stack{'info','EigOpt'}=[5 20 0]; % define eigenvalue options RunOpt=struct('targ',1, ... % define target diameter 'Range',linspace(0,1,30)); % define speed points relative to range [cf.def,hist]=rotor2d('teig',cf,RunOpt); figure(1);rotor2d('plot',hist);set(gca,'ylim',[0 250])