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The fe_rotor function implements classical solutions for rotor dynamics applications.
This command can be used to add a local mass on a 3d rotor mesh. The mass is added, and linked to existing node using a MPC connection.
RO is a data structure with fields
Command options are
fe_rotor('Campbell',model,RunOpt) computes the Campbell diagram and displays it with fe_rotor('plotcampbell',out,RunOpt) if no output argument is requested.
RunOpt can be a vector of rotation speeds (RPM) or a data structure with at least field .Omega containing rotation speeds and other fields giving other variables used in zCoef (for example .par field).
Accepted command options are
Examples can be found in section 3.4.1.
Computation of critical speeds.
It can be called when computed Campbell using command option -crit (see Campbell).
Critical speed are computed assuming deformation is a complex mode at the same frequency as the rotation speed (w=Ω) in the global fixed frame or equal to 0 (w=0) in the local rotating frame.
In the global fixed frame:
M{X}+(C+Ω D(Ω=1)){X}+ (K+Ω2 Kc(Ω=1)){X}=0
With X=X0 exp(i Ω t)
(Ω2(−M+i D(Ω=1))+i Ω C+K){X0}=0
In the local rotating frame:
M{X}+(C+Ω D(Ω=1)){X}+(K+Ω2 Kc(Ω=1)){X}=0
With X=X0 constant
(K+Ω2 Kc(Ω=1)){X0}=0
Examples can be found in section 3.4 xxx.
Internal command to display the direction of the modes on the Campbell diagrams. xxx details
This command is used to assemble mass stiffness and damping matrices taking in account all the rotor matrices (gyroscopic coupling, centrifugal softening, etc. ...).
Default zCoef can be obtain using model=fe_def('zCoef-default',model);.
r1 is a data structure whose fields are parameters used in zCoef. In particular one should specify the rotation speed r1.Omega (rad/s).
Command option -cell can be used to return only matrices in a cell array.
This command builds a rotating DofLoad on a model node for frequency analysis.
model=fe_rotor('RotatingLoad NodeId f0 theta0 wexponent',model);
NodeId is the id of the node where load will be applied, f0 is the amplitude of the load, theta0 is the angle formed by the load initial direction and the first global direction in the plane orthogonal to rotation axis (x for y and z rotation and y for x rotation). The amplitude of the load can depend on a power of pulsation defined with wexponent.
Resulting complex load is of the form
f0 wwexponent { |
| } |
in the plane orthogonal to the rotation axis (sign of +/−i depends on rotation axis).
Forced response to this load can be computed using ForcedResponse.
This command can be used to compute forced response to a frequency load (for example a rotating load built using RotatingLoad).
Complex load must be prior defined as a 'In' entry in the case of the model.
Observation can be defined as 'output' SensDof entry. If not, only dof corresponding to the 'In' load will be returned.
Range of computation must be defined in the 'info' 'Range' Stack entry of the model as a structure of data (with fields .Omega defining rotation speeds and .w defining pulsations of the load at corresponding rotation speeds. These fields must be of the same length. If necessary one can add other fields for variables used in a defined zCoef). If .w is equal to zero, frequency dependence of load is assumed to concern the .Omega vector (it is usefull to described unbalanced mass in the local rotating frame since load amplitude depends on Ω2 but load is static in this frame so that w=0).
Following example defines an unbalanced load on the simple 1d ShaftDisk model defined in d_rotor and computes the forced response (local frame):
model=d_rotor('TestShaftDiskMdl') % build simple model model=fe_caseg('assemble -se -matdes 2 1 70',model); % assemble model mb=1e-4; db=0.15; % mass, distance to axis om=linspace(0,6000,201)'; % RPM model=fe_rotor(sprintf('RotatingLoad 2 %.15g -90 2',mb*db),model); % unbalanced mass r1=struct('Omega',om/60*2*pi,'w',om/60*2*pi); % Range model=stack_set(model,'info','Range',r1); R1=fe_rotor('forcedresponse',model); % compute forced response iiplot(R1) % plot response
In global rotating frame, load is static (w=0). Following example deals with a rigid disk in global rotating frame:
R1=.01;R2=.15;h=0.03; md=d_rotor(sprintf('TestVolDisk -dim%.15g %.15g %.15g 2 16',R1,R2,h)); md.DOF=[]; md=fe_caseg('assemble -se -matdes 2 1 7 8',md); % disk assumed to be rigid : rb=feutil('geomrb',md); cf=feplot(md); cf.def=rb; md.K=feutil('tkt',rb.def(:,[1 3 4 6]),md.K); md.DOF=[1.01 1.03 1.04 1.06]'; md.K{2}=0*md.K{2}; % rigid disk md.K{2}(1,1)=5e5;md.K{2}(2,2)=5e5; % bearing md.K{2}(3,3)=1e5;md.K{2}(4,4)=1e5; % bearing rot % Unbalanced mass or asynchrone load : mb=1e-4; db=0.15; % mass, distance to axis s=0; om=sort([2789 2750:10:2820 11760:10:11840 linspace(0,20000,101)]); % RPM md=fe_rotor(sprintf('RotatingLoad 1 %.15g 0 2',mb*db),md); r1=struct('Omega',om/60*2*pi,'w',s*om/60*2*pi); % Range md=stack_set(md,'info','Range',r1); R1=fe_rotor('forcedresponse',md); % compute forced response iiplot(R1) % plot response
This command can be used to build a superelement of rotor from a 3d rotor model. It includes Craig Bampton reduction, bearing rings adding, ...
model is a 3d mesh of rotor.
RO is a data structure with following fields
One can use following options:
% Lalanne 3D rotor model=d_rotor('TestVolShaftDiskMdl'); % Build model % remove bearing and boundary conitions: model.Elt=feutil('RemoveElt proid1000:1001',model); % remove linbearings model=fe_case(model,'Remove','Ends'); % Build SE: RO=struct('mxyz',[0.0894892917244 0.118333333333 0.0516666666667],... Position of mass 'EigOpt',[5 20 1e3]); % eig option for CraigBampton RO.xbea=[0;0.4]; RO.bea.length=0.01; RO.bea.Npt=1; RO.bea.ProId=1; % proid of the bearing SE=fe_rotor('SEBuild-rigid',model,RO); % Following is now in SEbuild command
Defines a default TimeOpt in the 'info' 'TimeOpt' model stack entry for time integration with rotor models.
Following command options are available: