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For detailed callback information see sdtweb('nlspring_timeopt').


Residual command is used to compute standard residue.
mkl_utils('residual',r,model,u,v,a,opt,Case); call modifies variable r in memory according to following standard residue computation (implicit Newmark).

 r = model.K{1}*a + model.K{2}*v + model.K{3}*u + b*(snl_fun) + fnl_int -fc;

In this formula, b*(snl_fun) refers to the legacy m file implementations (non chandle) which expect the nl_ function to fill a unl vector multiplying b (.snl field support was not activated). This was incorrectly noted -fnl in earlier documentation the minus sign coming from the convention of considering non-linear forces as external rather than internal (the convention used from now on). fnl_int refers to chandle implementations that match classical conventions : traction leading to positive stress in continuous mechanics, positive over-closure (negative gap) leading to positive pressures in contact mechanics.

Typically in fe_time computations one has


with fc the time load (resulting from DofLoad entries in model Case) and fnl is the sum of the non linear efforts (if any) computed directly by mkl_utils (rotcenter, mocirc2), in the non linear functions (see sdtweb nl_fun) or in nl_spring. mkl_utils then calls the adequate nl_fun function (nl_spring by default) automatically.
Such call stored in opt.Residual is filled by nl_spring('TimeOpt') for default simulations.

Model information specifically supported by the residual command are

Typically, fnl is computed by non linearity functions, see nl_fun for details on these functions. The non linear functions are called by mkl_utils to provide the value of fnl at a given state. Two implementations are supported


chandle objects are used to streamline communication between mex and MATLAB in iterative processes. They are used in various nl_solve calls and in particular for ModalNemwark and ExpNewmark.

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