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The same rotor as described in lalanne (see fig 4.3) is meshed using hexa8 elements. Use model=d_rotor('TestVolShaftDiskMdl').
Matrices are defined in the local rotating frame. We described the unbalanced load by a static load, and we use in following example the same procedure as for local frame 1d rotor, at w=0.
model=d_rotor('testvolshaftdiskmdl') % Assemble nominal matrices: model.DOF=[];model=fe_caseg('assemble -se -matdes 2 1 7 8',model); model.DOF=fe_case('gettdof',model); % Campbell diagram: model=stack_set(model,'info','eigopt',[5 20 1e3]); fe_rotor('campbell -critical',model,linspace(0,20000,30)); % Unbalanced mass or asynchronous load : mb=1e-4; db=0.15; % mass, distance to axis s=0; f0=1; % s=1, unbalanced load. s<>1, asynchronous load om=sort([2789 2750:10:2820 11760:10:11840 linspace(0,20000,101)]); % RPM model=fe_rotor(sprintf('rotatingload 180 %.15g 0 2',f0),model); r1=struct('Omega',om/60*2*pi,'w',s*om/60*2*pi); % Range model=stack_set(model,'info','Range',r1); R1=fe_rotor('forcedresponse',model); % compute forced response iiplot(R1) % plot response % Post (radial deformation): Q=abs(R1.Y(:,1)); % unbalanced along x figure;semilogy(om,Q); xlabel('Rotation speed [RPM]'); ylabel('radial def amplitude [m]') if s==0; title('Unbalanced mass') else; title(sprintf('Asynchronous load %.15g\\Omega',s)) end
Unbalanced mass excites the forward whirl modes. Maximum response is found at critical speeds (rotation speeds that induce a complex mode of 0 Hz frequency in the rotating frame). Campbell critical speed (2789 RPM) matches computed frequency response.