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3.5  SDT numerical experiments (DOE)

A systematic process has been defined to standardize computations and associated parametric studies. An experiment is described by a list of strings stored as nmap('CurExp') entry. For example

%    {'MeshCfg{d_fetime(Gart),VtGart}',';'
%      'SimuCfg{ModalNewmark{$dt$,10,fc,chandle1}}',';'
%   'RunCfg{Reduce}' }

Each string corresponds to a step (called level fe_range Loop since steps can be organized in a tree). Standard steps are described below

3.5.1  RunCfg : execution of computations

RunCfg list of run steps given as a comma separated list. If you need to debug usage, use sdtweb('_bp','sdtsys','steprun'). Standardized steps are

Looping on a range of experiments, needs to be documented. URN with key replacement.

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