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Interface between ANSYS and SDT (part of FEMLink)


 ans2sdt('read FileName')         % .rst, .cdb, .matrix, .mode  files
 ans2sdt('write FileName')        % .cdb file
 ans2sdt('BuildUp FileName')      % .rst and .emat files
 ... = ans2sdt('def FileName.rst')% .rst or .mode files 




def=ans2sdt('read','file.mode') reads deformations in .mode files.

To read responses .rst files you should use

 model=ans2sdt('readdef','test.rst'); % read all data
 % Partial read of only specific entries  
 model=ans2sdt('rstdef','sdtforced.rst', ...
   struct('DefUse',{{'NSL'}})); % give the block names to be read

Since multiple blocks can be read, the results is saved in the model stack and can be retrieved by name using stack_get(model,'curve','NSL'); or similar calls. The standard names used by ANSYS are NSL (displacement), VSL (velocity response), RF (reaction forces), ESL (element solution, see ans2sdt ESLread). If you are interested in reading other results, please send a test case.


This command lists conversion tables for elements, topologies, face topologies. You can redefine (enhance) these tables by setting preferences of the form sd_pref('set','FEMLink', 'ansys.elist',value), but please also request enhancements so that the quality of our translators is improved.


This command reads files based on their standard ANSYS extension.

ANSYS does not store boundary conditions in the .rst files so that these can only be imported from .cdb file. If you only have fixed boundary conditions, you can easily generate those with

 model=ans2sdt('buildup test');         % read model
 def=ans2sdt('def test.rst');           % read deformations
 model = fe_case(model,'fixdof','Fixed_Dofs', ...
 cf=feplot; cf.model=model; cf.def=def; % display


To read element output data if any, that were detected during the reading of an output file (.rst).

model=ans2sdt('ESLreadtoken',model); will generate a stack entry named ESL:token in the model that will contain the element data.

token is an element output data identifier as documented by ANSYS, and mentioned in the model stack entry info,ptrESL.

Command option groupi allows generating the output for a given group number i


JobOpt = ans2sdt('JobOpt',Opt); This command returns a filled JobOpt structure to be run by sdtjob. Opt is a structure containing at least the field Job as the job name or file. InList and OutList must be filled. Further options concern the fields Input when the input file is different from the job name, RunOptions to append the usual option to the Ansys command, RemoveFile to remove files from the remote directory when needed.


ans2sdt('write FileName.cdb',model) is the current prototype for the ANSYS writing capability. In ANSYS .cdb files are written with the CDWRITE ALL, FileName, cdb command. This does not currently write a complete .CDB file so that some manual editing is needed for an ANSYS run after the write.

See also


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