1.1 Release notes
This manual gives a more detailed set of examples for the use of SDT for the modeling of piezoelectric structures.
Major modifications for SDT 7.1 are
Inclusion of new materials (Ferroperm, Sonox, MFCs) in the m_piezo database.
- Introduction of tutorials in d_piezo('Tuto').
- New script for Macro Fiber Composites in d_piezo('TutoPlate_mfc').
- Theory and new script for point load actuator using a shaped triangular piezoelectric transducer in d_piezo('TutoPlate_triang').
- Theory and new script for vibration damping using RL shunt and piezoelectric patches in d_piezo('TutoPz_shunt').
- Theory and new script for piezoelectric homogenization on RVEs of piezocomposites (application to MFCs) in d_piezo('TutoPz_P1_homo') and d_piezo('TutoPz_P2_homo') .
- Color visualization of stress and strain added to IDE patch script d_piezo('TutoPatch_num_IDE').
Major modifications for SDT 6.6 were
Writing of the present manual
- Significant generalization of p_piezo('Electrode') commands.
- Inclusion of elastic properties in the m_piezo database.
- Introduction of electrical and charge viewing illustrated in this manual.
- Specialized meshing capabilities and examples are grouped in d_piezo('Mesh').
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