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Support function for piezoelectric demos


 sdtweb('_taglist','d_piezo')  % display contents

Accepted commands are


These commands group sample scripts. Use d_piezo to display tag list and see available contents.


Meshing utilities for the placement of piezoelectric patches on a supporting structure (flat plate for now).

The options are specified in a structure with fields

The laminate specification string is composed of the following

The geometry/position specification string Geo can be

% Start by defining properties of the underlying laminate
mdl=struct('Node',[],'Elt',[], ... % empty model
    'pl', ... % composite layer property
      [1 fe_mat('m_elastic','SI',1) 42.5e9 .042 1490 3.35e9 .01], ... 
     'il', ... % laminate definition (6 layers at 0,90,0,90,0,90)
     p_shell(['dbval 1 laminate    1 2.167e-4 0    1 2.167e-4 90 ' ...
         '1 2.167e-4 0 1 2.167e-4 90 1 2.167e-4 0 1 2.167e-4 90']), ...
   'Main_plate', mdl,'global lx=.4 ly=.3 lc=.02'
   'Act1','BaseId1 +SmartM.MFC-P1.2814','xc=.35 yc=.25 ang=30'
   'Sen2','BaseId1 +SmartM.MFC-P1.2814','xc=.03 yc=.05 ang=30'
   'Sen3','BaseId1 +Noliac.NCE51.OD25TH1','xc=.05 yc=.25'
cf=feplot;d_piezo('MeshPlate',RG);'Plate with piezo';
matgui('jil',cf);matgui('jpl',cf); % Display properties

The following illustrates transient simulation to a load on a specific piezo

model=cf.mdl.GetData; model=p_piezo('electrode2case',model);
opt=fe_time('TimeOpt Newmark .25 .5 0 .3e-6 200'); 
opt.AssembleCall='assemble -fetime Load';
%opt.FinalCleanupFcn='out.DOF=model.DOF;out.def=[Case.T*out.def+Case.TIn*[0 ft(1:end-1)'']];';
model=stack_set(model,'info','Rayleigh',[0 2*.0025/200e3]);
cf.def=def; fecom('colordataevalRadZ-edgealpha0');fecom('scc1e-10');


Patch Simple volume patch.

Plate Generic script for arbitrary placement of patches on a flat plate. A list of shapes can be given as a cell array. This is considered as a demo since it currently only supports a rectangular base plate.

GammaS build a weighting for surface control.

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