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The following typesetting conventions are used in this manual
courier | blue monospace font : Matlab function names, variables |
feplot | light blue monospace font: SDT function names |
command | pink : strings and SDT Commands |
var | italic pink: part of command strings that have to be replaced by their value |
% comment | green: comments in script examples |
Italics | MATLAB Toolbox names, mathematical notations, and new terms when they are defined |
Bold | key names, menu names and items |
Small print | comments |
(1,2) | the element of indices 1, 2 of a matrix |
(1,:) | the first row of a matrix |
(1,3:end) | elements 3 to whatever is consistent of the first row of a matrix |
Programming rules are detailed under section 7.17. Conventions used to specify string commands used by user interface functions are detailed under commode.
Usual abbreviations are
CMS | Component Mode Synthesis (see section 6.3.3) |
COMAC | Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion (see ii_mac) |
DOF,DOFs | degree(s) of freedom (see section 7.5) |
FE | finite element |
MAC | Modal Assurance Criterion (see ii_mac) |
MMIF | Multivariate Mode Indicator Function (see ii_mmif) |
POC | Pseudo-orthogonality check (see ii_mac) |
For mathematical notations, an effort was made to comply with the notations of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) which can be found in Ref. [1]. In particular one has
[ ],{ } | matrix, vector |
conjugate | |
[b] | input shape matrix for model with N DOFs and NA inputs (see section 5.1). {φjTb},{ψjTb} modal input matrix of the jth normal / complex mode |
[c] | sensor output shape matrix, model with N DOFs and NS outputs (see section 5.1). {cφj},{cψj} modal output matrix of the jth normal / complex mode |
[E]NS × NA | correction matrix for high frequency modes (see section 5.6) |
[F]NS × NA | correction matrix for low frequency modes (see section 5.6) |
M,C,K | mass, damping and stiffness matrices |
N,NM | numbers of degrees of freedom, modes |
NS,NA | numbers of sensors, actuators |
{p}NM × 1 | principal coordinate (degree of freedom of a normal mode model) (see section 5.2) |
{q}N × 1 | degree of freedom of a finite element model |
s | Laplace variable (s=iω for the Fourier transform) |
[Rj] | ={cψj}{ψjTb} residue matrix of the jth complex mode (see section 5.6) |
[Tj] | ={cφj}{φjTb} residue matrix of the jth normal mode (used for proportionally damped models) (see section 5.6) |
{u(s)}NA × 1 | inputs (coefficients describing the time/frequency content of applied forces) |
{y(s)}NS × 1 | outputs (measurements, displacements, strains, stresses, etc.) |
[Z(s)] | dynamic stiffness matrix (equal to [Ms2+Cs+K]) |
[α(s)] | dynamic compliance matrix (force to displacement transfer function) |
p,α | design parameters of a FE model (see section 6.4.2) |
Δ M,Δ C,Δ K | additive modifications of the mass, damping and stiffness matrices (see section 6.4.2) |
[Γ] | non-diagonal modal damping matrix (see section 5.3) |
λj | complex pole (see section 5.5) |
[φ]N × NM | real or normal modes of the undamped system(NM ≤ N) |
[\ Ω2 \ ] | modal stiffness (diagonal matrix of modal frequencies squared) matrices (see section 5.2) |
[θ]N × NM | NM complex modes of a first order symmetric structural model (see section 5.5) |
[ψ]N × NM | NM complex modes of damped structural model (see section 5.5) |