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SDTools download and installation

Individual installation procedure

SDT 7.5 is compatible with MATLAB 2018a (9.4) to 2024a (24.1). For earlier SDT see compatibility chart.

Currently compiled platforms are Windows (mexw64), Linux (mexa64).

For install

  1. download www.sdtools.com/distrib/sdt75.zip
  2. Unzip to a temporary directory (no accents accepted in the name)
  3. In MATLAB go to the temporary directory and run sdtcheck sitereq to generate a license request as detailed in www.sdtools.com/help/lic.html
  4. You will need to select products as below and email the request to request@sdtools.com
    request figure

  5. Save the sdt.lic file which you will receive by email in the same directory.
  6. Install using sdtkey install .
    You may define a local variable target=’mydir’ to specify a non default location for your SDT.

Upgrade procedure

If you want to preserve a previous copy of the SDT rename the $matlabroot/toolbox/sdt directory.

For upgrade from an earlier version above 7.2, you can now simply run sdtcheck patchupgrade For earlier SDT versions, you need to reinstall.

Multiple SDT or MATLAB installations

Admin/write permission problems

The default location fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','sdt') is typically protected by admin rights. If you do not have them,

Version compatibility. Supported platforms ?

The following lists supported MATLAB versions and platforms. To select a computer for use with SDT see see here.

SDT version Matlab version Platforms
7.5 24.1 (2024a) to 9.4 (2018a) Windows 64, Linux Intel 64
7.4 9.12 (2022a) to 8.1 (2013a) (minor problems with 9.4 (2018b)). Windows 64, Linux Intel 64
7.3 9.11 (2021b) to 8.1 (2013a) (minor problems with 9.4 (2018b)). Windows 64, Linux Intel 64
7.1 9.6 (2018a) to 7.14 (2012a) (minor problems with 9.4 (2018b)). Windows 64, Linux Intel 64
7.0 9.3 (2017b) to 7.14 (2012a) (minor problems with 9.4 (2018b)). Windows 64, Linux Intel 64
6.8 9.0 (2016a) to 7.14 (2012a) Windows 64, Linux Intel 64, MAC OS 64
6.7 8.5 (2015a) to 7.6 (2008a) Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 64, MAC OS 64
6.6 8.3 (2014a) to 7.6 (2008a) Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 64, MAC OS 64
6.5 8.0 (2012b) to 7.6 (2008a) Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 64, MAC OS 64
6.4 7.14 (2012a) to 7.5 (2007b) Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 64, MAC OS 64 (for earlier MATLAB or linux 32 please enquire)
6.3 7.11 (2010b) to 7.1 Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 32 & 64, Macintosh (32 & 64)
6.2 7.10 (2010a) to 7.1 Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 32 & 64, Macintosh (Intel)
6.1 7.7 (2008b) to 6.5 (R13) Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 32 & 64, Macintosh (G4 & Intel)
6.0 7.4 (2007a) to 6.5 (R13) Windows 32 & 64, Linux Intel 32 & 64, Macintosh (G4 & Intel), HPUX

Most of the SDT code is .m files which are clearly open and extensible. Significant documentation efforts are made to detail the toolbox architecture so that you can easily extend it.

Copyright 2001-2024 by SDTools
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