SDT-base: Navigation through multi-dimensional data with Iiplot

Data navigation is an essential feature for engineering projects, what can be done?

🔧 An efficient tool should provide an interactive and flexible display strategy, with formatting and capturing capabilities.

💡 🚀 Come Iiplot, our versatile curve navigation and signal processing tool. It is dedicated to 2D or 3D representation of multidimensional curves with an accent on navigation, display customization and formatting for report integration.

▶The following video demonstrates Iiplot navigation features, handling multiple dimensions, sampling value ranges in some directions, and switching channels with context.

📝 Curious about the illustrative test case? The data is part of our tutorials for parametric experimental modal analysis on the GARTEUR test case with temperature dependency. The test being MIMO, the transfers span a frequency band, outputs, inputs, and several temperatures, making it a 4D database. With a focus on the influence of temperature, many displays can be devised for assessment. The video showcases an interactive navigation case in this regard.

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