FEM, testing and hybrid twin displays with SDT tetrahedron
♻️Refreshing of our good old logo is an occasion to illustrate SDT’s display capabilities in FEM, testing and hybrid twins […]
♻️Refreshing of our good old logo is an occasion to illustrate SDT’s display capabilities in FEM, testing and hybrid twins […]
How to properly manage connections to shells in 3D models ? Many mechanical systems use thin structures such as stamped
How to perform modal analysis of milling robot using a spindle-driven unbalanced excitation ? 🎯 SDTools is a partner in
How to design vibration tests exhibiting viscoelasticity, hyperelasticity and rate-independent hysteresis behavior of rail pads ? Etienne Balmes will present“Non-linear
SDTools is involved in several communications at the ISMA24 (International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering) hosted by KULeuven. Etienne
Guilherme Malacrida Alves, a PhD student at SDTools in collaboration with Hitachi Astemo, will present “Analysis of a brake squeal
How to verify that the connections in a mechanical assembly behave as intended? The increase of computational power allows considering
How do you handle simplified connections in a Finite Element model with control on accuracy ? Modern simulation capabilities allow
SDT provides advanced solutions for Experimental Modal Analysis. They are integrated in the “dock Id” providing an interactive interface to
EuroBrake is happening next week in Mainz and SDTools will be attending with Guilllaume Vermot des Roches. No presentation for