Keynote lecture of Etienne Balmès, CEO of SDTools, at the ISMA conference

Etienne Balmès, CEO of SDTools was invited as a keynote speaker at the ISMA (International Symposium on Modal Analysis) conference in Leuven, Belgium on September 17, 2018.

ISMA 2018 is the 28th international conference in a series of annual courses and biennial conferences on structural dynamics, modal testing and noise and vibration engineering, organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the KU Leuven., and is a reference in the field of structural dynamics and vibro-acoustics.

Shapes & DOF: on the use of modal concepts in the context of parametric non-linear studies

copy of the slides (pdf)

Physical responses tend to lie within restricted subspaces even for parametric problems. For a given subspace, the choice of a basis defines Degree Of Freedom (DOF) and this choice may give interesting meaning to the associated amplitudes. Classical modal analysis builds subspaces combining modeshapes and static responses. Parametric loads for non-linear, damped, variable, … structures are discussed to extend the theory and illustrated for test and simulation cases. Challenges in shape extraction and basis generation techniques are then detailed. Introducing the ability to manipulate models with variable junction properties, component material and geometry, load and operating conditions, … opens new questions on the quantification and tracking of changes and objectives throughout design exploration. The definition of a reference linear system and the use of global and/or local modal DOF are shown to provide an interesting perspective.

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