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2.2  Problem definition in a fixed frame

Fully axisymmetric rotors can be modeled in a fixed frame using an Eulerian representation, where particles are moving under a deformed mesh. Particles located at point {p(p0,t)}={p0}+{u(p0,t)} in the deformed Eulerian frame have a velocity given by xxx


The body fixed frame verifies θ=φ+Ω t, which can be written as pG={r,θ,z}=RΩ t{p}. The matching of displacements in both frames is given by


The velocity of a particle in the disk is given by


Validation example : One first considers a disk that has a steady state deformation in the global frame. That is the Eulerian frame, one has ∂ u/∂ t=0 and {u(r,θ,z)}={u(p)}=(2−cos2θ){eθ}.

One now considers a disk that has a steady state deformation in the rotating frame: ∂ u/∂ t=0 and {u(r,φ,z)}=(1−cos2φ){eφ}. The displacement of a particle located at at time t is given by

{uG(pG,t)}=(1−cos2(θ−Ω t)){e(θ−Ω t)}=[RΩ t]{u(p)}

its velocity is

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