1. Release notes
This manual gives a more detailed set of examples for the use of SDT for the modeling of piezoelectric structures.
Major modifications for last release are
General reorganisation of the document
- New format of graphics and figures with improved style sheets
- New script to compute dynamic impedance of a piezoelectric disk in
Major modifications for SDT 7.1 are
Inclusion of new materials (Ferroperm, Sonox, MFCs) in the m_piezo database.
- Introduction of tutorials in d_piezo('Tuto').
- New script for Macro Fiber Composites in d_piezo('TutoPlate_mfc').
- Theory and new script for point load actuator using a shaped triangular piezoelectric transducer in d_piezo('TutoPlate_triang').
- Theory and new script for vibration damping using RL shunt and piezoelectric patches in d_piezo('TutoPz_shunt').
- Theory and new script for piezoelectric homogenization on RVEs of piezocomposites (application to MFCs) in d_piezo('TutoPz_P1_homo') and d_piezo('TutoPz_P2_homo') .
- Color visualization of stress and strain added to IDE patch script d_piezo('TutoPatch_num_IDE').
Major modifications for SDT 6.6 were
Writing of the present manual
- Significant generalization of p_piezo('Electrode') commands.
- Inclusion of elastic properties in the m_piezo database.
- Introduction of electrical and charge viewing illustrated in this manual.
- Specialized meshing capabilities and examples are grouped in d_piezo('Mesh').
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