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2.3  Database of piezoelectric materials

m_piezo Dbval includes a number of material characteristics for piezoelectric materials. The properties are obtained from the datasheet of the material, but as we will illustrate, the data is not always sufficient to calculate all the material properties needed for the computations. Most of the information in the datasheet is generally related to the constitutive equations written in the form of (5). For PZT, PVDF, or piezoelectric composites based on PZT and PVDF, the general form of these matrices is:


For an orthotropic material, the compliance matrix [sE] can be written as a function of the engineering constant Eiij and Gij as follows:


where z is aligned with the poling direction 3, and x,y with directions 1,2 respectively. Note that the matrix is symmetric so that:


A bulk piezoelectric ceramic exhibits transverse isotropic properties: the properties of the material are the same in the plane perpendicular to the poling direction. In this case, the compliance matrix reduces to:


and due to the symmetry we have:


where the subscript p refers to the in-plane properties. The matrix of piezoelectric coefficients is:


and the matrix of dielectric permittivities:


In order to use such a piezoelectric material in a 3D model, it is therefore necessary to have access to the 5 elastic constants Ep,Ezpzp and Gzp, 3 piezoelectric constants d31,d33, and d15 and two dielectric constants є11T33T. Unfortunately, such constants are generally not given in that form, but can be calculated from the material properties found in the datasheet.
It is important to introduce the electromechanical coupling factors which are generally given in the datasheet and are a function of the elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of the material. They measure the effectiveness of the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy (and vice-versa). There is one coupling factor for each piezoelectric mode:


In addition, coupling factors kp for radial modes of thin discs, and kt for thickness modes of arbitrary shaped thin plates are also commonly given in datasheet. kp is related to k31 through:


kt is always lower than k33 but there does not seem to be a simple explicit expression of kt as a function of the material properties. The fact that kt is lower than k33 means that electrical energy conversion in the d33-mode is less effective for a thin plate than for a rod. The definition of the coupling factors k33 and k15 also allows to write alternative expressions:


We illustrate the use of these different relationships to form the full set of mechanical, piezoelectric and dielectric properties for the material SONOX P502 from Ceramtec ( which is a soft piezoceramic. The properties found in the datasheet on are given in Table 2.2 .

Material propertyvalueunit
Piezoelectric properties
d3344010−12 m/V
d31-18510−12 m/V
d1556010−12 m/V
g3326.9  10−3Vm/N
є33T1850 є0F/m
є33S875 є0F/m
є11T1950 є0F/m
є11S1260 є0F/m
Elastic properties
s11E18.5   10−12m2/N
s33E20.7   10−12m2/N
c33D15.7   1010N/m2
c55D6.5   1010N/m2
Coupling coefficients
Table 2.2: Properties of SONOX P502 from the datasheet found on (2013)

Ep and Ez are computed directly from the definitions of s11E and s33E:


Knowing the value of s11E, d31, є33T and kp, s12E can be computed:


allowing to compute the value of νp:


and the value of Gp


From the value c55D and k15, we compute


from which the the value of Gzp is computed:


The value of νzp cannot be calculated from the datasheet information. We therefore assume that, as for most PZT ceramics:


The value of νpz is calculated as:


The complete set of values is summarized in Table 2.3. These are the values used in m_piezo.

Material propertyvalueunit
Piezoelectric properties
d3344010−12 m/V
d31-18510−12 m/V
d1556010−12 m/V
є33T1850 є0F/m
є11T1950 є0F/m
Mechanical properties
Table 2.3: Properties of SONOX P502 to be used in 3D finite element models

Note that there is some redundancy in the data from the datasheet, which allows to check for consistency. The two following coupling factors are computed from the data available and checked against the tabulated values.


The values are close to the values in Table 2.2. In addition, the value of g33 is given by:


and corresponds exactly to the value tabulated. The value of e33 can be computed using Equation (7), leading to:


where there is a difference of about 15% with the tabulated value of e33= 16.7 C/m2. Note however that this last value was found on and is not given in the more recent datasheet on Ceramtec website (in 2023).
Using (37) to compute k15 with the values from the datasheet, one gets:


which shows the non-consistency of the value of є11S in the datasheet. In fact, when computed using (8), one gets:


This illustrates the fact that it is difficult to obtain the full set of parameters needed for computation for piezoelectric materials, as there are often some inconsistencies amongst the data available from the manufacturers. What we believe is a "best compromise" was used in the material properties available in SDT.

From the input values in m_piezo  (Table 2.3), it is possible to compute the mechanical, piezoelectric and permittivity matrices used in the four different forms of the constitutive equations  (4),(5),(9),(10) using the relationships (6)-(8)) and (11)-(13).
The command p_piezo('TabDD',model) gives access to all the matrices based in the input values in m_piezo. This will be illustrated in section section 3.5.1.
As the mechanical properties of PZT are not strongly orthotropic, a simplification can be done by considering that the material is isotropic (for the mechanical and dielectric properties, not the piezoelectric properties). An isotropic version of SONOX P502 is included in m_piezo under the name of SONOX_P502_iso whose properties are given in Table 2.4.

Material propertyvalueunit
Piezoelectric properties
d3344010−12 m/V
d31-18510−12 m/V
d1556010−12 m/V
єT1850 є0F/m
Mechanical properties
Table 2.4: Simplified material properties for SONOX P502 considering mechanical isotropy

The second example is the PIC 255 PZT, also a soft piezoceramic, from PI ceramics. The properties found in the datasheet in the year 2013 are given in Table 2.5 ( Note that C33D was not given, therefore we estimated it from the value of PIC 155 given in the same datasheet, which is just slightly stiffer.

Material propertyvalueunit
Piezoelectric properties
d3340010−12 m/V
d31-18010−12 m/V
d1555010−12 m/V
g31-11.3  10−3Vm/N
g3325  10−3Vm/N
є33T1750 є0F/m
є11T1650 є0F/m
Elastic properties
s11E16.1   10−12m2/N
s33E20.7   10−12m2/N
c33D11   1010N/m2
Coupling coefficients
Table 2.5: Properties of PIC 255 from the datasheet (2013)

Ep and Ez are computed directly from the definitions of s11E and s33E:


Knowing the value of s11E, d31, є33T and kp, s12E can be computed:


allowing to compute the value of νp:


and the value of Gp


The value of s55E can be computed as:


which leads to:


Again, the value of νzp cannot be calculated from the datasheet information. We cannot assume a value of 0.39 as previously, as it would lead to a non-physical value of νpz. As νp is in the range of 0.32 and νzp is typically slightly lower, we assume that :


The value of νpz is calculated as:


The complete set of values is summarized in Table 2.6. These are the values used in m_piezo. Note that there is some redundancy in the data from the datasheet, which allows to check for consistency. The two following coupling factors are computed from the data available and checked against the tabulated values.


The values are very close to the values in Table 2.5. In addition, the value of g33 and g31 are given by:


and are also very close to the values tabulated.

Material propertyvalueunit
Piezoelectric properties
d3340010−12 m/V
d31-18010−12 m/V
d1555010−12 m/V
є33T1750 є0F/m
є11T1650 є0F/m
Mechanical properties
Table 2.6: Properties of PIC 255 to be used in 3D finite element models from datasheet in 2013

As shown in the derivations above, the datasheet for PZT material typically do not contain the full information to derive all the coefficients needed for computations, and some hypothesis need to be made. In addition, it is usual to have a variation of 10 % or more on these properties from batch to batch, and the datasheet are not updated for each batch. Note also that the properties are given at 20 C and are temperature dependant. The variations with temperature are rarely given in the datasheet. This may also account for inaccuracies in the computations.
The more recent datasheet found on PI Ceramics website (2023) leads to slightly different properties, and includes the value of C33D, which gives a more precise value for Ez. The new datasheet information is given in Table 2.7 and the resulting m_piezo  input parameters in Table 2.8. The updated properties are included in the PIC255b material in m_piezo. It is advised to use this updated material property, as the main difference is for the Young's modulus in the direction of poling. This parameter has an important impact on the longitudinal natural frequency of disks and rods.

Material propertyvalueunit
Piezoelectric properties
d3340010−12 m/V
d31-18010−12 m/V
d1555010−12 m/V
g31-11.8  10−3Vm/N
g3325  10−3Vm/N
є33T1800 є0F/m
є11T1750 є0F/m
Elastic properties
s11E16   10−12m2/N
s33E19   10−12m2/N
c33D15.4   1010N/m2
Coupling coefficients
Table 2.7: Properties of PIC 255b from the datasheet (2023)

Material propertyvalueunit
Piezoelectric properties
d3340010−12 m/V
d31-18010−12 m/V
d1555010−12 m/V
є33T1800 є0F/m
є11T1750 є0F/m
Mechanical properties
Table 2.8: Properties of PIC 255b to be used in 3D finite element models from datasheet in 2023

In much the same way, the material properties of PIC 181 which is a hard piezoceramic from the same manufacturer have been updated from the PIC181 to the PIC181b properties in m_piezo.
Table 2.9 summarizes the different material properties available in SDT, and the year of the datasheet where the original data was found.

ManufacturertypeyearSDT name
CeramtecSonox P5022023SONOX_P502
CeramtecSonox P502 - simplified2023SONOX_P502_iso
PI CeramicsPIC1812013PIC181
PI CeramicsPIC1812023PIC181b
PI CeramicsPIC2552013PIC255
PI CeramicsPIC2552023PIC255b
Table 2.9: Piezoelectric materials available in SDT: manufacturer references and year, and SDT name

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