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How do I check revisions of OpenFEM and SDT

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There is no formal numbering scheme for OpenFEM. All OpenFEM and SDT functions have CVS revisions which are typically obtained with the_function('cvs') for example fe_mknl cvs is 1.154 for SDT 6.1 and 1.133 for SDT 6.0.

Each release of SDT integrates the current status of OpenFEM at the time of SDT release. There were many modifications between 6.0 and 6.1

Beta releases of SDT are regularly posted on http://www.sdtools.com/sdtcur.html. The only way to know the exact state for a beta release is to check the individual revisions of functions. The information on when the release was built can be found in the second line of sdt/Contents.m. For example, the last SDT 6.1 built was

% Version 6.1 Built 06-Jun-2008 15:57:47

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